All instruments are designed with the very young beginner in mind and require minimal, if any, setting up by the student.


Child Instruments




Made of silver plated nickel like traditional flutes, this one includes a curved head-joint and has a right hand thumb rest which simplifies the holding and balancing of the instrument, making what was a challenge for children easy and natural. Like the easy saxophone this model does not have the lower two notes of the flute that are not utilised initially with young learners. This greatly reduces the weight and size making it ideal for the really young players.


Trombone and Trumpet


P-bone and the P-trumpet are made of plastic and carbon fiber so this instrument is incredibly light weight and robust. It has the added advantage of a treated mouthpiece that prevents bacteria. Sounds and operates just like the traditional brass instruments and is ergonomic for growing hands.




New to the market this instrument is made of light weight brass and shaped like a soprano and is extremely light weight. Made to the same quality as the traditional saxophone, this new instrument eliminates the low keys and side key mechanisms that are not used in the first stages of learning. 
