Rising Band Handbook
Online Handbook
Premier Ensemble
All Band instruments play in the Rising Band including:
Flute & Clarinet
Bass Clarinet, Oboe, Bassoon & Saxophone
Trumpet, Trombone, Euphonium.
Horn, Tuba
The Rising Band is the Premier Ensemble of the HKIS UP Band program. In additional to musical skills development, students in the Rising Band should develop personal management skills, like developing a practice regime, being a contributing member of a team, and an active participant in class.
Lesson Structure
The weekly group lessons provide a foundation in instrument skills, musicianship, and fine motor skills following a fundamental music curriculum that focuses learning throughout the year. The group rehearsals are scheduled twice per week according to the schedule.
This model of learning through Band Rehearsals is the mode of learning in the MS and HS Band program.
All Band students perform at two major concerts per year - December (Bandtastic Concert) and May (End of Year concert). The concerts are a showcase of their musical achievements in Band.
Ensembles and Concerts
Students continue their musical journey by participating in a school ensemble whilst simultaneously developing a deep understanding of being part of a team. Making music together will inspire greater cooperation and encourage students to develop communication and self-management skills. Regular Concert performances celebrate the achievements of learning an instrument, recognise achievements, and contribute to celebrating Music within the school community.
HKIS UP Band Performance and Rehearsal Schedule 2021-2022
Leading up to performance concerts, students will be required to attend combined rehearsals that may, or may not, align with the regular schedule. The combined rehearsals will start immediately after school for all classes.
Rehearsals conclude at 5:00pm. Students must be collected by parents at that time.
‘CAN’ is Church of All Nations, Lower Primary, Repulse Bay
Bandtastic Concert - December 2021.
Nov 25th, 2:00 – 5:00pm - Rehearsal CAN
Dec 2nd, 3:00 – 5:00pm Rehearsal CAN
Dec 6th, 3:00 – 5:00pm Rehearsal CAN
Dec 8th, 3:00 – 5:00 Rehearsal CAN
Dec 9th, 3:00 – 6:30 - Bandtastic Rehearsal and Concert (5:00pm), CAN
End of Year Concert - May 2022.
May 23rd, 3:00 – 5:00pm - Rehearsal CAN
May 25th, 3:00 –5:00pm - Rehearsal CAN
May 26th, 3:00 – 5:00pm - Rehearsal CAN
May 30th, 3:00 – 5:00pm - Rehearsal CAN
May 31st, 3:00 – 6:30pm - Rehearsal and Concert (5:00pm), CAN
All Together Rehearsal, UP & HS Band combined student ensemble, HS Auditorium, Tai Tam. March 2019.
Concert attire is only required on the day of the concert. Students will be given sufficient time to dress during the rehearsal before the performance.
Preparing for Concerts
Attendance at these performances and rehearsals is mandatory. Having a good sounding ensemble is a team effort. We expect each member to do his/her part to make each performance a success. Missing rehearsals may result in not performing the concert.
Concert attire consists of white on top, black on the bottom.
Girls can wear black skirts or dress pants and black shoes. Boys must wear black pants (no jeans), black socks, and black dress shoes. White collared shirts are required on top. No T-shirts are allowed. Adhering to this dress code gives a professional look to our band.
On the concert day
Please bring concert attire, including shoes and socks, musical instrument, and music to the rehearsal. Pack an extra snack, and water bottle. Doors will open to parents 10 minutes prior to the concert.
Parent Volunteers
This program would not run smoothly without the help of our parent volunteers.
Parent Volunteers help with:
Assisting students with pre-concert supervision and concert dressing.
‘Crowd control’ at the End of Year party and other social events.
Other ‘ad-hoc’ performances or experiences.
Send an email to micramus@gmail.com if interested in PV’s.
Band Curriculum, Practice, Resources
The Upper Primary Band curriculum is aligned with the National Association for Music Education Standards.
Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.
Reading and notating music.
Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.
Evaluating music and music performances.
Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.
Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Prepared for Class
Every student must bring their instrument to each class along with their music book / folder.
Only use pencil marks in the music books.
Students should have their cork grease/valve oil/reeds as required and cleaning cloth inside the case.
Practice suggestions will be given during each class. The student should practice items assigned and be prepared to play them at the next class.
Students in the Band Program receive ongoing formative feedback in classes. If needed, we will get in touch with parents to discuss strategies for improvement in these areas.
There are no summative tasks in the Band Program.
Formative Evaluation feedback is based on:
Performance tasks, ensemble skills and participation, attendance, practice and musical responses.
Technical aspects of playing an instrument (such as posture, intonation, rhythm and sound quality) will be assessed through instrument specific rubrics.
Zoom Links for Blended Class Learning:
Mr. Lovett Personal Room https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8120803623
Practice Makes Progress
Help your child set up a special place at home to play the instrument.
Establish a set time each day to play.
Ask your child questions about their practice and encourage them to set goals and practice purposefully.
Use the Monthly Practice Sheet and SMART Goal Setting to support home practice.
Practice is vital to the success of any young musician. Practice time is considered ‘musical homework’.
Each month your child will receive a Practice Sheet to record the time spent practicing at home.
Please note: Class time is NOT considered practice time.
The Practice Sheet is due on the first class day of each month.
Parents can sign to acknowledge the commitment to practice.
Student total the number of sessions and complete the activity on the back before turning it in.
Lost Practice Sheet? Student’s responsibility to ask for new one.
Rising Band students practice expectations are increased, as developing routines and practice strategies are required for success in the academic Band programs in MS & HS.
Online Resources and Practice Tools
HKIS Upper Primary Band Resources
Play-Alongs, PDF’s of Music, Practice Tips, Theory Videos, Recital Pieces and Fun Stuff all in one place!
Staff - Musical Director
Craig Lovett worked at HKIS as Middle School and Upper Primary Band Teacher for 12 years before launching MICRA Music. MICRA encompasses Craig’s specific music passions – teaching music and music instrument repair, and to explore his Saxophone performance, music arranging and other musical pursuits.
With advanced music education degrees, recognised teaching achievements and conducting experience, Craig continues supporting the strong band tradition at HKIS.