Parent Online Handbook

Band & Strings


Students commence instruction on one of the following five Band instruments;

  • Flute

  • Clarinet

  • Trumpet

  • Trombone or

  • Euphonium.

In Term Two students may transition to other instruments including Saxophone, Bass Clarinet, Tuba and Percussion.

Students may have a good idea of what they would like to play, however, sometimes physical characteristics are important factors.

Mr. Lovett will connect with students as required, and follow recommendations if students were in the Band Basics course.

Lesson Structure

The weekly group lessons provide a foundation in instrument skills, musicianship, and fine motor skills following a fundamental music curriculum that focuses learning throughout the year. The group lessons are scheduled twice per week according to the schedule.

In Term Two students one class per week is changed to an Ensemble class, where mixed musical instruments rehearse as a Band. The other class continues on an instrument focus, and students can consider extending to another 'exotic' instrument.


All Band and String students perform at two major concerts per year - December (Bandtastic Concert) and May (End of Year concert). The concerts are a showcase of their musical achievements in Band.

Staff - Musical Director

Craig Lovett worked at HKIS as Middle School and Upper Primary Band Teacher for 12 years before launching MICRA Music.  MICRA encompasses Craig’s specific music passions – teaching music and music instrument repair, and to explore his Saxophone performance, music arranging and other musical pursuits.

With advanced music education degrees, recognised teaching achievements and conducting experience, Craig  continues supporting the strong band tradition at HKIS.

Unsure of which instrument to play?

Band Instrument Selection Considerations

Genesis Band Students select from the following instruments in Term One.  Trumpet, Trombone Euphonium, Flute or Clarinet. 

In Term Two, students can apply to switch to the Saxophone, Oboe, Bassoon, Tuba or Percussion Instruments.

String Instrument Selection Considerations

Allegra Strings Students select from the following instruments in Term one.  Violin, Viola, Cello or Double Bass. 

Allegra students will have a chance to explore instruments as they desire in the first ASA/School Quarter (to October break).

String Instruments come in various sizes, so each Stringed Instrument can be learnt from a young age.

Stringed Instrument Introduction

Watch these videos for a great introduction to selecting a String Instrument.

Leading up to performance concerts, students will be required to attend combined rehearsals that may, or may not, align with the regular schedule.  The combined rehearsals will start immediately after school for all classes.

Attendance at rehearsals is expected - making music is a team effort, and a polished and confident performance is the term goal.

Rehearsals conclude at 5:00pm. Students must be collected by parents at that time.

‘CAN’ is Church of All Nations, Lower Primary, Repulse Bay

Preparing for Concerts

Attendance at these performances and rehearsals is mandatory.  Having a good sounding ensemble is a team effort. Each member is expected to do their part to make each performance a success. Missing  rehearsals may result in not performing at the concert.

Concert attire consists of white on top, black on the bottom. 

Girls can wear black knee length skirts or dress pants and black shoes.  Boys must wear black pants (no jeans), black socks, and black dress shoes.  White collared shirts are required on top.  No T-shirts are allowed.  Adhering to this dress code gives a professional look to our band.

On the concert day

Please bring concert attire, including shoes and socks, musical instrument, and music to the rehearsal. Pack an extra snack, and water bottle. Doors will open to parents 10 minutes prior to the concert.

Parent Volunteers

This program would not run smoothly without the help of our parent volunteers.  

Parent Volunteers help with:

  • Assisting students with pre-concert supervision and concert dressing.

  • ‘Crowd control’ at the End of Year party and other social events.

  • Other ‘ad-hoc’ performances or experiences.

For both Strings and Band a Parent Volunteer Liaison will be appointed. The role of the PVL is to facilitate the Parent Volunteer team of parents.


The Upper Primary Band curriculum is aligned with the National Association for Music Education Standards.

  • Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

  • Reading and notating music.

  • Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

  • Evaluating music and music performances.

  • Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

  • Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

Prepared for Class

Every student must bring their instrument to each class along with their music book / folder.  

Only use pencil marks in the music books. 

Students should have their cork grease/valve oil/reeds as required and cleaning cloth inside the case.

Practice suggestions will be given during each class.  The student should practice items assigned and be prepared to play them at the next class.   


Students in the Band Program receive ongoing formative feedback in classes. If needed, we will get in touch with parents to discuss strategies for improvement in these areas.

There are no summative tasks in the Band Program.

Formative Evaluation feedback is based on:

  • Performance tasks, ensemble skills and participation, attendance, practice and musical responses.

  • Technical aspects of playing an instrument (such as posture, intonation, rhythm and sound quality) will be assessed through instrument specific rubrics.

Online Resources and Practice Tools

HKIS Upper Primary Band Resources

Zoom Links for Blended Class Learning:

Mr. Lovett Personal Room: Meeting ID: 812 080 3623

Mrs. Lovett Personal Room: Meeting ID: 942 672 2662. Passcode: band

Practice Makes Progress

Help your child set up a special place at home to play the instrument.

  • Establish a set time each day to play.

  • Ask your child questions about their practice and encourage them to set goals and practice purposefully.

  • Use the Monthly Practice Sheet and SMART Goal Setting to support home practice.

Practice is vital to the success of any young musician.  Practice time is considered ‘musical homework’.  

Each month your child will receive a Practice Sheet to record the time spent practicing at home. 

Please note: Class time is NOT considered practice time. 

The Practice Sheet is due on the first class day of each month.

  • Parents can sign to acknowledge the commitment to practice.

  • Student total the number of minutes and complete the activity on the back before turning it in.

  • Lost Practice Sheet? Student’s responsibility to ask for new one.

Leading up to performance concerts, students will be required to attend combined rehearsals that may, or may not, align with the regular schedule.  The combined rehearsals will start immediately after school for all classes.

Attendance at rehearsals is essential - making music is a team effort, and a polished and confident performance is the term goal.

Rehearsals conclude at 5:00pm. Students must be collected by parents at that time.

‘CAN’ is Church of All Nations, Lower Primary, Repulse Bay

Preparing for Concerts

Attendance at these performances and rehearsals is mandatory.  Having a good sounding ensemble is a team effort. Each member is expected to do their part to make each performance a success. Missing  rehearsals may result in not performing at the concert.

Concert attire consists of white on top, black on the bottom. 

Girls can wear black knee length skirts or dress pants and black shoes.  Boys must wear black pants (no jeans), black socks, and black dress shoes.  White collared shirts are required on top.  No T-shirts are allowed.  Adhering to this dress code gives a professional look to our band.

On the concert day

Please bring concert attire, including shoes and socks, musical instrument, and music to the rehearsal. Pack an extra snack, and water bottle. Doors will open to parents 10 minutes prior to the concert.


  • Nearly 100% of the Band ASA Loan instruments are three years old or less, and have regular maintenance, cleaning and sanitation cycles.

  • For larger instruments, an at-home and at-school instrument will be provided.

  • The UP Band instruments remain the property of MicraMusic Ltd.

  • MicraMusic has a selection of new and pre-loved Band instruments for purchase at discounted prices for UP Band members too.

The Band Materials Levy covers all the consumable items for each instrument, like reeds, oils, lubricants and cloths.

Instrument Loans and Materials Levies

Strings Instrument Loans

  • A new beautiful collection of violins, violas, cellos and bass have been acquired for the UP Strings ASA musicians.

  • For Double Bass students, a at-school and at-home instrument will be available.

  • The UP Band instruments remain the property of HKIS.

After School Care (ASC)

The HKIS Activities Office offers After School Care for those Upper Primary students who are unable to go home on the bus and return at 4:00pm.

After School Care will take place from 3:00pm - 4:00pm, Monday through Friday in the Upper Primary Dining Hall (4th Floor).

Students will be directed to their activities 5 minutes before they are scheduled to begin.

Snacks for After School Care can be given to your children, and they will be consumed within a designated area.

Do I need to register for ASC?

All Grade 3-5 students registered in a 4:00pm Activity will automatically be registered in ASC.

You may however withdraw your child if ASC is not required by contacting


Dismissal Procedures

At the end of the 3:00pm class students;

  • Take the 4:00 bus home

  • Continue with another ASA activity

  • Picked up by private vehicle (5th floor gate)

  • Walk home (with permission)

At the end of the 4:00pm class students;

NO BUS is available

  • Continue with another ASA activity

  • Picked up by private vehicle (LP Bus Lay-By)

  • Walk home (with school permission)

Please add 9136 0837 as “MicraMusic” to your phone contacts in case of emergency - please use this number to contact your child if needed too.

Ensemble Concerts

Students continue their musical journey by participating in a school ensemble whilst simultaneously developing a deep understanding of being part of a team. Making music together will inspire greater cooperation and encourage students to develop communication and self-management skills.

Regular Concert performances celebrate the achievements of learning an instrument, recognise achievements, and contribute to celebrating Music within the school community.

Leading up to performance concerts, students will be required to attend combined rehearsals that may, or may not, align with the regular schedule.  The combined rehearsals will start immediately after school for all classes.

Attendance at rehearsals is highly preferable - making music is a team effort, and a polished and confident performance is the term goal.

Rehearsals conclude at 5:00pm. Students must be collected by parents at that time.

‘CAN’ is Church of All Nations, Lower Primary, Repulse Bay

Concert Rehearsals

Preparing for Concerts

Attendance at these performances and rehearsals is mandatory

Having a good sounding ensemble is a team effort. Each member is expected to do their part to make each performance a success. Missing  rehearsals may result in not performing at the concert.

Concert attire consists of white on top, black on the bottom. 

Girls can wear black knee length skirts or dress pants and black shoes.  Boys must wear black pants (no jeans), black socks, and black dress shoes.  White collared shirts are required on top.  No T-shirts are allowed.  Adhering to this dress code gives a professional look to our band.

On the concert day

Please bring concert attire, including shoes and socks, musical instrument, and music to the rehearsal. Pack an extra snack, and water bottle. Doors will open to parents 10 minutes prior to the concert.

UP Performance and Rehearsal Schedule 2022-23

Onsom Orchestra performs at both the String and Band concert.

Strings Winter Concert - November 2022

Monday 21 November - Brio (Scheduled Day) Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Tuesday 22 November - Beginner (Scheduled Day) Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Wednesday 23 November - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Monday 28 November - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN


Tuesday 29 November - Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - Concert 5 - 6pm - CAN

Strings Spring Concert - May 2023

Tuesday 2 May - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Friday 5 May - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Monday 8 May - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Tuesday 9 May - Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - Concert 5 - 6pm - CAN

Band Winter Concert - December 2022

Thursday 1 Dec - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Monday 5 December - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Wednesday 7 December - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Thursday 8 December - Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - Concert 5 - 6pm - CAN

Band Spring Concert - May 2023

Thursday 11 May - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Monday 15 May - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Wednesday 17 May - Combined Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - CAN

Thursday 18 May - Rehearsal 2 - 5 pm - Concert 5 - 6pm - CAN


The Upper Primary Band curriculum is aligned with the National Association for Music Education Standards.

  • Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music.

  • Reading and notating music.

  • Listening to, analyzing, and describing music.

  • Evaluating music and music performances.

  • Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts.

  • Understanding music in relation to history and culture.

Prepared for Class

Every student must bring their instrument to each class along with their music book / folder.  

Only use pencil marks in the music books. 

Students should have their cork grease/valve oil/reeds as required and cleaning cloth inside the case.

Practice suggestions will be given during each class.  The student should practice items assigned and be prepared to play them at the next class.   

Parent Volunteers

These programs would not run smoothly without the help of our parent volunteers.  

Parent Volunteers help with:

  • Assisting students with pre-concert supervision, concert preparation, ‘front-of-house’ and concert dressing.

  • ‘Crowd control’ at the End of Year party and other social events.

  • Other ‘ad-hoc’ performances or experiences.

For both Strings and Band a Parent Volunteer Liaison will be appointed.

The role of the PVL is to facilitate the Parent Volunteer team of parents.


Students in the Band Program receive ongoing formative feedback in classes. If needed, we will get in touch with parents to discuss strategies for improvement in these areas.

There are no summative tasks in the Band Program.

Formative Evaluation feedback is based on:

  • Performance tasks, ensemble skills and participation, attendance, practice and musical responses.

  • Technical aspects of playing an instrument (such as posture, intonation, rhythm and sound quality) will be assessed through instrument specific rubrics.